Society of Emergency Nurses of Nepal “SENN” was established by qualified and trained emergency nurses of Nepal as a company not distributing profit having incorporated it on 28th May 2019 pursuant to sub-section (1) of section 5 of The Companies Act, 2006 under Office of the Company registrar, Ministry of Commerce and Supplies, Government of Nepal with the main aim to support in empowering nurses working in emergency all over the country, advancing nursing profession and upgrading patient care.
It is purely benevolent social and service oriented organization to empower nurses through continued education, training, and capacity building, represent and advocate their agendas on national and global platform, deliver quality patient care, promote wellbeing of nurses.
We would like to welcome all the nurses serving in the Emergency Departments to work actively to upgrade the quality of Emergency Nursing. We welcome every personnel willing to become a member of the Society to work together with us for the development of standardized Emergency Nursing Services within the nation.